It would be a mess to manage a school, college, university or any other educational institution, if you don’t have a proper education management system or technical support as a good database to store information, starring the concerns, doing accounting and so on.
Technical back support would be an inevitable entity in the administration of any educational institutions. The open-source enterprise resource planning would not make the administration task easier, it would save the resources like money and time for yielding good results and better production.
Paper works get piled up and are taken into consideration by the Open Source ERP. This comes as an integrated package to multitask different activities like management of Students, Employees, Books, Library records, Assignments, Parent details, Admission Process, Exams, Results and Reports, Attendance, Events, Timetable, Transports, Fees to other miscellaneous reports.
Unearthing features of using this ERP would save our natural resources. The computer-generated records supplements the use of paper derived from trees, the natural resource gives better air quality in return. The one point access meditates to manage a wide set of activities efficiently.
The Odoo Open ERP Education Management System has a better user interface, attributes, features and provides a core function to manage the administrative activities of an educational institution in the workplace.
Odoo open source ERP School Management module would help schools and colleges to manage their daily activities.
Tags: School Management ERP, College Management ERP, University Management ERP
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