Manage all your payslips like never before

Manage all your payslips like never before

Odoo ERP helps companies to have stunning solutions for almost any specific requirements. Odoo human resource software takes care of the allocation and distribution of human resources while the Odoo payroll management system manages full-fledged features related to the payroll of an active employee. It comprises basic pay, working schedules, duration of the term and other relevant details. Integration features of the Odoo payroll system let companies integrate accounting modules. Thus, it is easy for the manager to generate payslips as well as reports along with a journal entry. All reports generated by the payroll module in Odoo can be easily analysed by the hiring manager.

An employment contract is generated for every active employee in your company. It has a specified salary structure as per the designation of the employee. Again, the compensation and revision of salary structure depend on one or more salary rules. Using Odoo ERP payroll management system, actual computation of salary can be easily generated. An Odoo payroll will have innate settings to configure actual computations based on rules and anytime you can append new rules. HR manager manages payroll with Odoo for new employees as well as existing ones. He or she can generate payslips as categories or department-wise batches.

Payroll Management Software

Manage all your payslips like never before

Effortless management of your employee’s payslip is highly beneficial for your company.  Having any payroll management software cannot guarantee the desired results in less time and labour. At Atheer Global Solutions, we provide the best Odoo ERP solution to tackle your payslip’s catastrophes. Our payroll solution is standardized, specific and accurate to meet your business needs. Our Odoo payroll features satisfy your requirements as you need not rely on any other local or multiple local payroll systems.

For generating a payslip for the employee, we must set up a contract with a salary structure. The salary structure would be the record of the set of rules and structures inherited or used for other contracts. Salary structure is included with one or more salary rules. This helps the actual computation when generating a payslip. The configurations are done under the payroll settings. With the use of salary structure and salary rules menu, you could create rules and structures.

The Odoo HR Payroll Management supports the payslips generation as batches. We could include one or more employees or do category-wise batches. Mass creation of a payslip for a group of employees are achieved with this feature.


Employee’s main menu in Odoo payroll management software system lets employers access employee contracts to generate payslips for every month.
hr payroll

Salary Structure

Salary structure is affected by many factors. Using the Odoo payroll management system, you can easily determine the salary of an employee in a department.
hr payroll
hr payroll

Salary Rules

Salary rules define the computation of salary; you can incorporate these rules in Odoo HR payroll management software to get accurate computations.
hr payroll


Payslip is generated for your active employee with a contract. The payslip will be generated as per notified in the employment contract. Managers can approve or deny payslips and also generate reports as PDF documents.
hr payroll
hr payroll management
payroll management

Payslip Batches

You can determine and select the payslip generation based on employees or departments. The following feature lets you generate payslips as batches.
odoo payroll
The Payslip button lets you select multiple employees.

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